Tuesday, July 29, 2008


7/28 Training (Keira):
jm-neck and shoulders

10x ftw sq @ 12kg
5x ftw ohs @ pvc

5min alt tgu @ 8kg

10x 2h sw on the min for 6min (60 reps total)

5x back extensions

2x10/10sec bird dog

Notes: Keira's getups are looking much smoother. It took one minor adjustment to her footing to improve them drastically. I want to see some good strength in her shoulder girdle return (she used to play college softball and had shoulder surgery a few years back). Her swings are looking very crisp and she is excelling at them...her numbers are already improving and shes only been back for three sessions. Booyah.

7/29 Training (SJM):
jm-foot, ankles, knee and hips

10x ftw sq @ 32kg

5/5 1h kb sn on the min for 12 min @ 24kg (120 reps total)

5x back extensions

A1) 3x10/10sec bird dog
A2) 3x10/10sec side plank

RIS stretches focusing on hamstrings, hips and hip flexors

Notes: I took Dr. McGill's advice and included small arm circles during the bird dogs for added difficulty. He also has stated that one is putting their lower back in a safer scenario by doing smaller time frames with the planks and dogs. Ie: 3x10sec is better than 1x30sec. When it comes to the spine, I don't second guess the professor.

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