Sunday, July 27, 2008


7/27 (SJM):
10x ftw sq @ 32kg
5x ftw ohs @ pvc

5/5 1h kb sn on the min for 11min @ 24kg (110 reps total) *

5x back extensions

RIS stretches focusing on hamstrings and hip flexors

Notes: *I documented a 200 snatch workout which I am now editing. I finished 110 instead of the targeted 200 due to the near loss of a callus. To quote Pavel "Blood doesn't affect us but lost training time does." I felt far well enough to go to 200 but I would have lost some skin and had a bigger setback than coming up 90 reps short. From here out I am implementing Rif's tape job that he showed me back in 2006. No more setbacks. I have to keep those calluses filed down!

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